Courtney Ellis: 2020 Annual Wild Thing Award Winner

Jan 28, 2021

Once per year, we select someone from our Coordination Team as the annual Wild Factor award winner. This is considered a great honor in our company, as it signifies that the individual has exemplified all of our core values and is considered to be the WILDest of us all.

Congratulations to Courtney Ellis, the 2020 annual Wild Thing award winner! She has shown a Will to Win, Intentional Adaptability, Lives Compassionately, and Disciplined Execution on a high level and is an example of what all of our team members strive for when it comes to performance and values.

2020 was a challenging year to say the least.  Collectively, our team had to intentionally adapt to overcome these challenges as they relate to not only our work inside these four walls, but also at home. The definition of a Wild Thing Winner not Nominee is someone who excels at all of our core values consistently.

Will to Win – Courtney is a self starter, never having to be told what to do or what task to tackle next. Over her 5 years at our company, she has shown unwavering drive in how she does her job, day in and day out. In a year of quarantine, Courtney had to figure out how to be a controller, mom, wife, and school teacher, and rose to the occasion. With all the curve ball thrown at us, Courtney continued achieving success, making sure we never skipped a beat.

Intentional Adaptability – She remained intentionally adaptable, working until the job was done, even when that meant working late nights and weekends. But she didn’t lose focus on her family amidst all of that; she continued taking her girls to ice skating in the mornings, church on Wednesday nights, and set them up to succeed in learning online. Courtney has shown strategic innovation through developing Global Financial Systems for our companies and continuing to make our reporting better.

Living Compassionately – This core value is probably one of the things Courtney is best known for around here. When something is asked of her, she humbly responds with a stance of availability and a smile on her face. She is responsible in helping us be good financial stewards, and serves her teammates by being reliable and dependable. We even had to make a policy to keep people out of her office because she so wanted to help everyone all of the time! Born and raised Clayton, she is constantly trying to connect dots with resources and people in our local community.

Disciplined Execution – Courtney excels operationally in every area, handling big tasks in the treasury function of this company. She has also excelled in making her personal health and wellness a priority in 2020 with discipline and consistency. When it comes to accountability, Courtney is not only great at what she does she is alway striving to do better. She is efficient and able to be fast paced because of process and drive. 

She is the true definition of a teammate. She is the kind of person you want on your team that you can trust and know that when you ask for something it’s going to get taken care of.  When you are in the fight or battle – she is the one right beside you.  She is also a great friend to a lot of people in our company, and would do anything for any one of us.  She is very deserving to be the Wildest of us all for 2020!!

Congratulations, Courtney!