Thanksgiving Elementary

The Thanksgiving Elementary project involved a third party school grading & utility contract. Our services included site Grading, utilities, curb, stone, and asphalt. We were able to improve an aggressive construction schedule and deliver the building pads to Wimco prior to milestone dates, which allowed them to begin construction sooner than anticipated. We also intentionally adapted to the project needs by working out of sequence in relation to the cut to fill areas on the project to deliver the building pad.
We worked together with WIMCO to complete our scope of work while still allowing other trades to complete their work. We adapted to complete areas out of sequence as WIMCO turned them over to us in order to not only complete the project on time, but beat our deadline by 45 days. We also did out of sequence grading (Cut to Fill) to get building pad on grade and achieve better construction milestone dates, despite being up against wet winter weather.
After completing this job efficiently and fast-paced (45 days ahead of an aggressive schedule!), we won the bid for the onsite Sewer Force Main project that serves the school. This second project included PS- 190 GPM and 6,500lf of 6″ PVC sewer force main piping to include boring under US-Hwy 42. We also installed 1,200 LF of directional drilling.