Tramain Eason: May 2020 Wild Factor Award Winner

May 31, 2020

To have Intentional Adaptability means that someone consciously embraces change, through mutual flexibility, strategic innovation, and purpose-driven versatility to advance our people, products, and services.

Tramain Eason won our May 2020 Wild Factor Award for having Intentional Adaptability. He has been such an asset to our company with his ability to embrace change and be flexible and available for whatever his team needs. 

Tramain is the proverbial swiss army knife. He has driven our quad axle dump trucks, then moved the flatbed dump truck and finally took on our water truck duties. There were some days in May when he would hit over 10 projects a day with water needs. 

Tramain does his job with a positive attitude and doesn’t shy away from getting out of the truck to help the stone crew shovel the curb. He takes on each challenge with a consistency and embraces the chaotic dispatch that comes along with the water truck position.

Congratulations for an award well-deserved, Tramain! We are so grateful to have you on our team.