Victor Ventura January 2020 Wild Factor Award Winner

Jan 31, 2020

Will to Win:  a self-starter with an unwavering drive to compete and achieve success. 

Victor Ventura won our January 2020 Wild Factor Award for having a Will to Win. Victor especially excels at being a Self Starter in ways that have made our company better! 

He came to PC from a background in home building with barely any knowledge of laying sewer, storm or water utilities. He was given the chance to lead a crew in January and excelled at the opportunity. 

Victor’s attention to detail is undeniable. He takes more pictures than anyone in the company for documentation purposes. He leads his crew by example, being the first in the ditch and not willing to sit still for any reason. 

One of his largest projects to date was the Academy Point project, where he crushed it laying big storm drain pipe and lots of linear feet of sewer. 

Victor shows respect for his crew day in and day out, and their teamwork is tremendous. Congratulations, Victor!