Jamal Barbour: 2020 Annual Wild Factor Winner

Jan 28, 2021

Once per year, we select someone from our Building Team as the annual Wild Factor award winner. This is considered a great honor in our company, as it signifies that the individual has exemplified all of our core values and is considered to be the WILDest of us all.

Congratulations to Jamal Barbour, the 2020 annual Wild Factor award winner! He has shown a Will to Win, Intentional Adaptability, Lives Compassionately, and Disciplined Execution on a high level and is an example of what all of our team members strive for when it comes to performance and values.

Jamal came into PC from a completely different background than what we do on a daily basis. He has transitioned through many different roles as a result of his Will to Win. Each role faced him with new challenges and he embraces each one with a tremendous work ethic, putting in extra time needed to master that moment.Jamal person is especially excellent at flexibility and purpose-driven versatility and it has had such an impact on our larger team. 

Jamal always takes on challenges with a positive attitude and tremendous care for his crew. His ability to be flexible with his scope of work and adapt frequently, is unrivaled. He was thrust into a lead man role when his supervisor left unexpectedly last year and took on the new challenge head on and with a big smile. As he rose to the occasion, Jamal was deservingly promoted to our Coordination Team in 2020, which earned him a stripe on his hard hat.

Known for having the best smile in PC, everyone loves working with Jamal! He helps teach his teammates the same way he was brought up, exemplifying what it looks like to grow as a leader in this company. If we ever need volunteers on Saturdays or a man to give an extra hand, everyone knows they can count on him to come alongside his team and help out.

When it comes to Disciplined Execution, this core value seems to fall the wayside if a person hits the first three core values, but not with Jamal. He dominated the jobs he was asked to do in 2020. Yearning to know his production rates and where his crew needed to be, to be deemed successful on that job. He takes his time gathering the facts and game planing before jumping right in on projects. He owns his mistakes as well, which rarely happen on his jobs. One of the major highlights with him in 2020 was that through all the growth, the promotions, the bigger jobs, and all the hype, he never lost his humility and took pride in the quality of his finished product. 

This WILD one has earned his stripes both literally and figuratively, as evidenced by a promotion last year. Congratulations, Jamal Barbour on being the well-deserved winner of 2020 Wild Factor Annual Award!