Johnny Tamayo: August 2020 Wild Factor Award Winner

Aug 31, 2020

To have Disciplined Execution is to exemplify operational excellence through safety, accountability, and an efficient, fast-paced environment.

Johnny Tamayo won our August 2020 Wild Factor Award for having Disciplined Execution. Specifically, Johnny nails it when it comes to operational excellence and accountability and really sets the standard for members of our team.

Johnny is the locomotive for our water line crew. He wins the day with consistent and constant effort, always ready to work each day and willing to help train the new guys to the trade. He has been a rock on our waterline crew with the constant change that has hit them, always keeping a positive attitude. He took the Woodard Oaks project head on, smoking through the schedule, finishing the waterline 2 weeks ahead of schedule on a 58 lot project. 

Johnny was one of our first builders to be trained in utilities and has come a long way since his start. We are all proud of the progress and skills that he has developed over the past 2.5 years! Congratulations, Johnny.